
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Happy Blog-o-versary!

Look, I've baked you a virtual cake! And, really, virtual baking is the only kind I've had time for these last several days. Things have been more than a little busy, Chez Diva, of late and cooking has, sadly, not been on the agenda. That will change, but likely not until next week.

Today is my 2nd Anniversary of blogging. I began Beach Eats on June 2nd, 2008 - my, how time flies! I've enjoyed every minute of this adventure, and particularly enjoyed "meeting" all of you both in your comments here and on your own blogs as well. I'm looking forward to our 3rd year together!

Be sure to tune in tomorrow for my Thirsty Thursdays Challenge round-up ... I've got a host of bourbon and cucumber themed drinks for your sipping pleasure! And on Friday, we'll have a special guest post from Papa Diva that I know you'll enjoy.

Have a wonderful day!



  1. happy blogoversary and many of them!

  2. Does that cake have a virtual Chippendale's dancer in it? I'm thinking yes.

  3. Thanks, VeggieGirl!!

    And thanks to you too vilges suola ... we can toast to that tomorrow! LOL

    Same Sweet Girl - thanks and welcome to Beach Eats!

    Lentil Breakdown - if there isn't ... there should be. I like the way you think! ;)

  4. OMG! Congrats daaaaaahling. Looking forward to many more years of your wonderful posts, I so enjoy reading them and love your style.
    *blog-o-versary kisses* HH

  5. Happy Blog-o-versary my Friend! Love your blog....and thanks for all the great comments you leave on my posts!

    hmmmm, drinks with cucumber, sounds verrry refreshing in this heat! not that I'm complaining! : )

  6. Hello Oh Mighty Diva - Congratulations on your 2nd anniversary! Apparently it is true that things improve with age...your blog never looked better. I continue to be amazed and amused by your many, many talents!

    Sending lots of love and continued success today and always,

    Love, O.

  7. Congrats! Happy blogiversary! Time does fly in the blog world, doesn't it!?

  8. Happy Second, Diva! You're a toddler now ... temper tantrums might begin any moment. LOL You know I love your blog, right? ... even if I don't always make it over here often enough.

    Looking forward to Papa Diva's post and the TT challenge roundup!


  9. Hey Diva Darling;
    Who knew it was your second year of creativity? We need to celebrate that too this weekend. Many happy returns and may the next blogoversary bring fame and fortune and ideas overflowing.

    Love you,
    Mama Diva (aka pixelgal)

  10. Happy Blogiversary Auntie,
    Your the best. Can't wait to give you lots of kisses to celebrate. I hope I too will have a second blogiversary. I guess I have to make it to the first.You know me, I want it all!!

  11. one of my favorite drinking partners er bloggers yeah that's right bloggers. But still, glad to know you, glad to knock back some drinks with you! ANYDAY!!

  12. I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart to the top of my tiara for your kind words, well wishes, and general support of my blog. You guys are the best!!

    Thank you!!!

  13. Awww, missed your blogoversary...Congrats anyways! This is a big 'ol deal. :)

  14. Happy blogoversary! I'm glad to have met you.

  15. Happy Belated 2nd Blogoversary! The day you started blogging was a lucky day for all of us. Wishing you many more years of food, drink and blog! 8-)

  16. Happy 2nd Anniversary Diva! I look forward to many more years of reading your fun blog!

  17. It is virtual cake. But seems to me yummier and mouth watering. Happy blog-o-versary.

  18. Happy Blogoversery diva! I have sadly been away and missed this momentous occasion. Wait a minute not sadly away just sadly to have missed your celebrations. Sharron and I spent two glorious weeks island hopping in Greece,more to follow....


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