I was so touched by Laura's post on Hey What's for Dinner Mom? today that I've decided to join the Cans for Comments fray. Many of us are looking for ways to give-back, reach out, "do good" this holiday season and Cans for Comments is a simple and easy way to make a difference.
It seems that the project was begun by Vancouver photographers Chris+Lynn. From there the word spread throughout the blogosphere ... I heard about it from Laura, who heard about it from Christina from Dinner at Christina's.
Quite simply, Cans for Comments works like this: you leave a comment on this post and for every comment posted I will donate one can of food to Holy Trinity Church's Food Pantry. One comment equals one can of food. Its that simple.
We food bloggers are a lucky lot, we spend our days describing and discovering all things delicious - others are not so lucky. While we agonize over what to cook and what to post, others are wondering how to put a meal, any meal at all, on the table. And the number of those in need continues to grow.
Holy Trinity's Food Pantry serves those in need on the upper west side of Manhattan. On the third Saturday of every month, those in need, regardless of location or religious orientation, are welcome to arrive at the church and pick up a bag of grocery staples - free of charge and with no questions asked. During the last year alone, the number of clients served by the Food Pantry has risen over 20%. The Food Pantry is stocked entirely by free-will donations and, happily, the supply has been enough to meet the demand ... so far.
This week, I'm happy to add my contributions in honor of your comments. You have until midnight on Friday, December 18th to leave a comment on this post.
Make your voice heard and make a difference! It just that easy and just that wonderful. Oh, and don't forget to pop over to Laura and Christina's blogs and spend some of their money too! ~wink~
Bon appetit!
This is such a great idea!
What a great idea! So generous and in the holiday spirit!
Diva, you are truly an inspiration, as always... Such a beautiful way to let the holiday spirit shine! YAY YOU!
This is an inspiring idea. You are doing so much good!
ok here goes one more can.
Thanks, all! And, yes, I'll add a can for my own comment too. :)
Hey will add a can for me :)
glad to have on board we are going to raise so much food!
I absolutely love this idea! So inspiring.
Diva you rock!! I love this idea!!! I hope you get a ton of comments!
My comment is that I'm so proud of you!!! Atta girl Diva dear! You'll make a difference to some folks this season.
This is a wonderful idea. A great way to share the holiday spirit and give something back.
Such a great idea! Happy Holidays!!
cans for comments - I like it!
I'm very involved with food bank stuff here in Toronto and I commend thee!
A great idea and a great cause, wonderful!
Super idea, Diva. Thanks for doing this. MWAH
Just me popping in with another comment to feed the people!! WOOT!! GO Diva!!
looking back at my comment yesterday I can see I sound like I was drinking let me assure you, I will swear MUCH MORE when I am drinking,(but you knew that!) geesh I missed all kinds of words. I am sober now. :D
Hey darling! Long time no see each other. Thanks for contributing to your community :)
I've been away for a while Diva - holiday busys - but this is definitely worthy of a post for a good cause. Make my can beans - good food for a pantry - great nutrition and great value. You are a generous Diva! Merry Christmas to you and yours!
great idea. this is for your 20th can.
Donate a can for me!
Ok somehow I overlooked leaving a comment myself - DUH! hehe Throw one in for me! :)
Gah, bummed I missed the date on this one - I seem to be eternally behind on my blog reading. I didn't want to let it pass without remarking on what a generous gesture I thought it was, though.
Sending out a BIG, Divalicious Thank You to each and every one of you!
I'm going to break my own rules and donate a total of 24 cans to the Food Pantry ... so, Spud, you're in! :)
I'm sincerely grateful for the comment support and happy to make this offering on behalf of my wonderful readers. Happy Holidays to all!
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