
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fun With Garlic Scapes

Fear not, our regular Thirsty Thursdays feature will resume next week. I simply haven't had a chance to mix up any magic in the cocktail area this week. Sad, huh?

But I have had time to get busy with some garlic scapes. As I mentioned yesterday, I'm long, very long on garlic scapes - thanks to bro's garden. For those not in the know, garlic scapes are the flower stems that garlic plants produce before the bulbs mature. They're long, green shoots, with a pale portion near the top, from which will grown the eventual bulbs. Gardeners often harvest the young, tender shoots to encourage larger bulbs to form ... which is good news for adventurous cooks!

I added them to the couscous dish on Tuesday. I turned them into an onion/garlic dip on Wednesday. (as seen below) And I'm planning on making this white bean garlic scape dip later on in the week, thanks to the recommendation of Diva Sis in Law, K. who emailed me the recipe.

My onion/garlic dip was very much a fly-by-the-tips-of-my-tiara operation. No real recipe here, I used: one 6 ounce container of non-fat plain Greek yogurt, 1 teaspoon of bottled horseradish, 1 teaspoon of onion powder, 1/2 teaspoon of BBQ Seasoning, 3 large garlic scapes - minced, and a little dash of lemon pepper seasoning. I whisked it all up, then let it chill in the fridge for a few hours. The husband enjoyed it with chips, prior to dinner, and I enjoyed it with some strips of fresh red bell pepper. Yum!

Finally, I threw some minced scapes into this batch of outstanding whole wheat biscuits that I made late Wednesday afternoon. They were scrumptious. More on this recipe tomorrow.

Even with all of that, I haven't made a dent in my stash of scapes! I could certainly make some pesto ... but then I'd want to have it with pasta and I've been trying to cut back. So, what's a Diva to do??

Thus, I turn to you, my savy readers and ask: What would you do with a bag of fresh garlic scapes?

I need ideas ... stat!



  1. Thanks for all the ideas. I've never made them, so I'm relying on you instead of making suggestions! Ha ha.

  2. All of that sounds DELICIOUS!! I'm going to have to try out those whole wheat biscuits for sure!!!

  3. DUH! I posted my comment without giving you any ideas! Sorry!! How about some shrimp marinated in garlic, olive oil, and a tad bit of cayenne pepper then grilled? Yummy and healthy! :)

  4. Fantastic and creative post. Thank you for sharing!

    I could do with a cocktail right about now...


  5. Mmm I'm jealous!

    hehe I'd be doing the same thing as you -- just throwing them in any and everything!

    Can you chop them and freeze them to help them last longer?

  6. Maybe a tart? Or some added into a potato soup? The pesto would be great and that could go on pizza or on top of chicken with some goat cheese. :)

  7. Megan - you're welcome! I'm having fun experimenting with them!

    SSG - I love, LOVE grilled shrimp ... great idea!

    Lazaro - sorry about the lack of cocktail today ... next week the drinks are on me for sure! ;)

    Christina - I thought about chopping and freezing them too. It might just work!

    Andrea - LOVE the potato soup idea! And, they would def. be good in a tart. Thank you!

  8. I enjoy them in stir fries, and just grilled with olive oil, it brings out the sweetness.

  9. Whole wheat biscuits? Sound good! I made some whole wheat pretzels today. They were good but kind of heavy. Do you know how to prevent that heavy texture?

  10. im all about those biscuits diva. If i got my hands on a bunch of garlic scapes, i would send them to you so you can hook up the biscuits!

  11. Try pad thai and throw them in there! Or a nice stir fry. The dip is very smart though.

  12. I tasted some of that dip made by Wilma's Mom and it was goooood! I'll wait for the muffin recipe too.

  13. Lots of fun ideas for garlic scapes! Looking forward to your biscuits recipe soon!

  14. Make a pesto out of them, using the scapes instead of basil.

  15. Loving your scapes--we don't see them much here. Everything you made looks wonderful. ;-)

  16. Well that answers the scapes question for me. I think the pesto sounds devine - use it on some whole grain bread bruschetta!


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