
Friday, June 11, 2010

We Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Programming ...

I hate to be a tease, but those whole wheat biscuits are going to have to wait until next week.

I seized an opportunity to purge my painfully groaning bookshelves and the logistics of the endeavor have taken up the better part of these last two days. A local church is having a book drive to raise money for a new roof and I jumped at the opportunity to engage in some much needed literary pruning.

As you can see, Diva cats Lucy (left) and Zelda (right) wasted no time in "helping". They were especially excited about the ball of twine I was using to tie up the books. All in all, I donated 110 books to the church; donated 30 books to the community bookshelf in my building's laundry room; and fed another 20 to the recycling bin. What you see above doesn't even begin to cover it!

Sadly, this purge, though substantial, didn't even result in one full empty shelf. 90% of the books were mine and the vast majority of them were "book club-reads". I'm seriously considering going the eBook route, though reluctantly. Its either that or a 12-step program for voracious readers.

So, I've been packing and hauling for the past two days ... and not writing. And now I'm packing again ... my suitcase, as we're heading out of town for the husband's high school reunion.

Whole wheat biscuits will appear next week, I promise.

So, do you have an eBook reader? If so, do you love it? And what brand? If not, what's holding you back? Curious and exhausted Diva wants to know!

Have a great weekend, all!



  1. I'm currently too poor to get an ebook reader. I've talked to friends and family that have the Kindle (both the old one and the new one) and LOVE IT. But I think if I were to get one I'd probably get the iPad b/c it can do so much more than the Kindle does for not that big of a price difference.

    Right now I've stopped all book purchases unless it's something I really want (like from a favorite author). My library card has been getting major miles the past year or so.

  2. I have a Kindle which I bought over a year ago. I really like it as I don't have to haul so many books around when I travel. What's cool is I can download a book to read nearly everywhere I travel.

  3. i bought an ipod touch which has a convenenient kindle app. I am dying for a kindle but i really do like the simpliciyt of the ipod app. its easy to use and depending on your storage can hold at good 20 books! If youre looking to keep a library of books i would sugest getting hte actual kindle. But i hear the nook is newer and has some improvmetns.

  4. Christina - I'm thinking of going the iPad route for the very same reason. I might even bite the bullet and do it this summer! (Though, sadly, I understand there's no app for blogger on the iPad just yet. Boo!)

    Lynnylu - the idea of hauling less books during travel is really appealing to me too. Do you like reading on the Kindle? Was it a big adjustment?

    Mo - you're reading books on the Touch's screen?! Wow, your eyes must be good! I think my eyes are too old for that! I need big print! LOL

    As for the library - it doesn't work for me. For one thing, my local branch has been closed for renovation for the past two years. And, though it just reopened - libraries in Manhattan are a huge pain in the ass. If you want to read anything current or remotely popular, the waiting list is week's long.

    I'm not nearly patient or organized enough for that, especially for book club.

    I'm enjoying all of your thoughts on the eBook - keep 'em coming!

  5. Gorgeous cats! God, I miss my cat, William, departed this life age 17 years in December 2008. His favourite activity was changing the duvet cover.

    I spend a fortune on books. Don't like libraries as I tend to forget which books are mine and which are borrowed.

  6. That looks like a serious dent to me. I have very limited vision so I do use a kindle. To be honest were it possible, I'd much rather curl up with an afghan and a good book. Electronic subs just aren't the same.
    I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

  7. I have so many books I've started and never finished, I must have advanced A.D.D. But my three new cookbooks were all gifts. I swear!

    I don't know about Kindles, but I know cute cats, and you got those covered!

  8. See you at Wurstfest Auntie!!!!!!

  9. Oh, you have such beautiful helpers.
    Yes, I have an ipad. The ipad lets gives u access to everything on kindle, ibooks, and another one (whose name i cant remember). I am slighly dissapointed withe the way cookbooks look. You see, when it comes to cook books, i'm all about the pretty pictures. The pictures just arent that fab so far, plus not all the books you want will be available. For regular reading books, though, its amazing.
    Now there is one app called Zinio that lets you download magazines, and that is exceptional. You can read things like martha stewart living and everything is perfect (like martha lol :)). You dont miss a thing from the regular magazine experience. I think as the ebook thing gets older, it will improve more and more.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    *kisses* HH
    p.s. once u start with apple products, you will never want anything else, they are the best things out there! Housewife word of honour.

  10. Reading on the Kindle wasn't a big adjustment for me. However, I do like looking at book covers and turning the pages. I miss that, but my sister loans me her books, so I still get to feel the pages.

  11. I envy your book clean out. ;-) I don't have a reader--I can't quite get my arms around them--I think they are fabulous but I think I have to borrow one for a week to decide if I can live without a book--feeling it, turning pages, etc. ;-)

  12. As a semi-dinosaur, i much prefer the tactile sensation of turning the pages of a book. Somehow an electronic book doesn't compute in my mind. It costs the same amount of money to buy kindle books and, yes, they don't clutter, and i'm usually all about computer organization except in this case. kindles look heavy, too. The pleasure i get from looking through a stack of books, reading the jackets, etc, etc,is just too wonderful to give up. not to mention the husband's argument of putting people out of business. So i'll deal with the clutter and donate my used books to the library or a bookstore while you minimalists rock on. Enjoy!

  13. You're helpers made me smile. My cat likes to sit on the table too and the more that is on it the more they feel they need to be in the middle of it! Regarding a reader...don't have one, but probably will some day. Have seen the I-pad and think it would be my choice, for all the reasons already mentioned. Way to go on the donations...for a great cause.

  14. Awww sweet kitty cats!!! They seriously do look like divas though! ;)

    I stick with the old fashioned books from the library! Hahaha.

    I left you an award on my blog!!

  15. What a coincidence I just started looking at this and I'm thinking nook from barnes and noble. They seem to have unlimited content and wase of use plus inexpensive and you can even read books for free at the store! Plus hardcover books hurt my hands!


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