
Friday, August 20, 2010

New Look!

I've been meaning to change the look of this blog for ages now. I think I'm over the pepto-bismol pink, and maybe you are too. So here we are.

I'm guessing this will be a work in progress and I fiddle and futz with it, tweaking to get the colors and the layout just right. Please be patient if the blog looks a little wonky over the next few days. It may take some time to work out the kinks.

I suppose at some point I'll get around to designing a header ... all in due time. Rome wasn't built in a day.

It seems I've somehow lost my print-fast button in the change over, so I'll be working on that as well. Stay tuned.

Meanwhile, Diva Cat Lucy and I wish you all a beautiful weekend!


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  1. V S - thanks! I think she knows it! LOL

  2. Nice new look, change is good..sometimes :) Sweet looking kitty, too :)

  3. Oh Lord, I used two smiley faces in one comment. So sorry.

  4. cute kitty!

    and p.s. - that WAS Mark Sanchez on my Jets post!

  5. Looking good, Diva! (And Lucy, too.)

  6. Looks nice! :) Your cat is cute, too.

  7. It's looking wonderful! Have to go back - saw that Thirsty Thursday is back...yay!

  8. well you are certainly off to a great start - there is still some remnants of the pepto but I guess in due time...oh and we still havent had that picnic...

  9. Lovely cat!

    I like the cleaner look already. Can't wait to see what you do with it. Have fun and don't fuss too much. Tweaking can drive you nuts. I know. Trust me. I know.

  10. Pick colors that don't give us brain anyersms. I just watched "Moulin Rouge" and my senses are very delicate right now.

  11. I actually like how much easier it is to read, and cleaner too :D

  12. Cool new look, yes, the pink was a bit much at times. Lucy seems to approve, cats are so intelligent. I lost my Meow Meow two weeks ago, he got himself poisoned, I miss him. He would have looked at Lucy and wondered what she was doing in there.


  13. Lookin' good Diva dear. And Miss Lucy really perks up the writing. We want to see more of her and her sister.

  14. Nice new look, looking forward to more changes as you have time. I just got my internet back - some mysterious ailment that seems to have been cured by a good defrag and disk clean up - ah the miracle of technology!

  15. I like the the new look! Change is good! the picture of here's one for you...I have a kitten, adopted about 4 weeks ago from a shelter, her name was "pigpen" at the shelter - I think because she was a rescue at 1 week old as a result of a "seizure" of pets from somewhere, she was bottle fed and was messy, she has these black markings across her eyes and at times we refer to her as the "hamburgler" but we named her LUCY! She looks like a mini Lucy. Hang in there with the will come together and you will love it..and so will we!

  16. Change is really good. The colors look great! It's definitely nice to do a little work on your website from time to time.

  17. The cat! wow...I love her! First time here, and I like your blog design. Simple and friendly.

  18. It looks lovely. I thought I'd make a header, but I've recently decided to forgo it... :)

  19. I need to do another makeover... it's been too long! your kitty is so freakin cute!

  20. Thanks one and all for your incredibly kind comments and words of encouragement. Kind of scary to change the look of my blog ... its always been pink! But I think I'm learning to love the new look and I hope you will too. :)


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